- The gap
Aircraft Dispatcher or Flight Control Officer training has traditionally consisted of ab initio (certification), initial, transition and recurrent training courses. A school such as ours usually conducts ab initio training, while other training courses are conducted by the airlines. Unfortunately, a gap exists between ab initio training and airline initial training. This is due to the wider curriculum requirements for Dispatcher schools as compared to specific airline instructional goals. Although a gap will always exist, the mutual objectives of training schools and airlines should be to reduce or bridge the gap by utilizing the latest technology to facilitate the learning process and to communicate with each other to determine necessary improvements.
- Constructing the bridge
In the last two years, our training facility has provided simulated flight control workstations for students. In addition, students are exposed to an array of technological and visual tools to facilitate their learning, including real-time weather and flight planning software. We offer a first-look beta testing of our Dispatch Simulator where students can problem-solve a flight scenario and monitor the flight progress through live Aircraft Situation Display. They also have access to our customized Dispatch Toolkit - an electronic view of world maps, airport configurations, weather minima, climatology, conversion tables, and MEL restrictions.
Although Dispatch schools are not required to expose AB initio students to this array of visual aids, schools should avoid the minimalist approach to training and pursue progress. Challenging and testing your students are ways to show respect to an industry and profession that demands it. Schools should not undermine the airlines by licensing people who are unqualified.
- Use caution
Unfortunately, technological advances may yield complacency. Occasionally, manual flight planning is considered too long or obsolete. Our students are not 'button-pushers-to-be'. They are training to become an important link in the airline operational control chain. Emphasis during AB initio or airline training must first be placed on the manual basics. It is difficult to effectively brief a crew member or oncoming dispatcher if your educational foundation is weak. A computer flight plan printout may require some clarification to the pilot-in-command:
Is it a route/altitude deviation required due to jet stream migration? Are you filing a distant alternate for the destination for a particular reason?
Is an additional alternate being filed due to a low TAF, or decreasing trends in the sequence reports?
What are the specific reasons for today's excessive holding fuel?
Was driftdown the reason behind filing an alternate to the east of the route today?
What good is planning to climb above reported significant weather it the dispatcher neglects the effects of takeoff gross weight, warmer temperature conditions, and tailwinds? The lists of scenarios, restrictions, quirks, and 'gotchas' are endless.
A pilot may refuse a release based on a variety of factors, which could potentially turn the flight into a 'careless and reckless' operation. Possible operational alternatives may always be objectively discussed, but only if the dispatcher and the pilot in command respect each other's opinion. This mutual respect must be earned and is virtually impossible without a strong, well-balanced educational foundation. Since programming human judgment into a computer is not currently possible, the dispatch system, with its checks and balances, must continue to flourish. To enable it to do so productively and positively, basic and manual concepts, as well as practical applications must be emphasized and effectively balanced with the technological tools of today and tomorrow.
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